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Special Project and Events


29th Annual Roy Rogers Festival
"Celebrate Dale Evans' 100th Birthday"

:Festival Headquarters:
Holiday Inn Hotel
711 Second St.
Portsmouth, OH

  • Roy Rogers Museum Ribbon Cutting
  • Early Bird Reception
  • Visit with the Stars
  • Film Room
  • Questions and Answer Forums
  • Collectors & Memoramilia Room
  • Ride the Roy & Dale Express
  • Costume Contest
  • Hospitality Center: Good Food and Music, Nightly
  • Great Entertainers
  • Grand Banquet
  • Auction
  • Special Westertn Music Performance

    More Info: www.RoyRogersFestival.Org

  • **********************************
    Roy Rogers Festival ..... August 1-4, 2012

     "The Dale Evans Film Project"

    Get involved and join thousands of community and private screenings of Queen of the West all across the country. The Freedom Film Distributors are excited to offer this opportunity for you and your community to enjoy a daylong celebration, re-living the memories of the King of the Cowboys and Queen of the West passing on those stories to the next generation.

    Find out more 'bout it at www.RoyandDale.com

    Download to "Give Your Input on a Roy & Dale Movie Script"

    *Happy Trails Script*

    Hollywood, CA. - Movie goers often weigh in with an opinion on the films they see, but rarely if ever do they get an opportunity to let motion picture executives know how they feel about a feature before it gets made. Producer Howard Kazanjian "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Return of the Jedi", and author/screenwriter Chris Enss are giving film enthusiasts the chance to comment on an original script prior to it being made into a motion picture.

    The screenplay entitled *Happy Trails*, based on the best selling book written by Kazanjian and Enss, focuses on the life and career of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. The "King of the Cowboys" and the "Queen of the West" were national treasures. Their conviction, integrity and humility demanded that they were off screen what they were on screen. The story of their movie and television work and their family life is a compelling tale of loss and courage.

    Kazanjian and Enss believe a film about the singing and acting duo is long overdue. For the last few years the producer and writer have been working with Roy Rogers, Jr. to craft a script that best depicts the lives of the famous pair. To read the script, please Click Here

    Please send your ideas and critiques to Chris Enss - [email protected]

    Roy Rogers Commemorative Stamp............ is out and for sale!!

    Now, all we need is Dale Evans on a US postal stamp! So let's write letters to get Dale Evans on a US Commemorative Stamp. LET'S ACT ON THIS NOW!

    If you'd like to see Dale Evans, "Queen of the West" honored by a commemorative United States Postage Stamp, Now is the time to act, and all you have to do is to write and mail a letter. Each year, the United States Postal Service considers the issuance of approximately 25 commemorative postage stamps. Under its guidelines, which you can read at:


    The honoree must have been dead for at least 5 years (they just recently reduced it from 10 to 5 years). Dale is elible. The guidelines further recommend that the process be started 3 years before the issuance year.

    The first step is for a citizens' committee to select, and narrow down to approximately 25, the worthy nominees for each year. This they do by considering letters, cards, petitions, etc., sent to them by the public at large. After that, the committee considers artwork and other details for the stamp. Because of Dale's Literacy of Inspirational Books, Humanitarianism and Moral/Ethical values are appreciated worldwide, nominations from inside as well as outside the USA would be very appropriate. If you would like to participate in this effort on behalf of great American Legends, please write your letters to:

    Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
    c/o Stamp Development
    U.S. Postal Service
    1735 North Lynn St., Suite 5013
    Arlington, VA 22209-6432

    Don't delay -- if we all pitch in and do our part by writing a letter, and telling our friends, Dale Evans can receive this well-deserved recognition from the country that she loved so well.

    How You Can Help?

    First, write a letter or a postcard to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee. This is the most important thing you can do to contribute!


    *White House*
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    *White House Telephone Numbers*
    Comments: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-6213
    Switchboard: 202-456-1414
    Fax: 202-456-2461

    If we want a Dale Evans commemorative postage stamp; the many fans *The Queen of the West NEED TO spread the word 'bout this effort! The more letters sent in, the better chance us fans will have in makin' this happen.

    "Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Sunset Chapel"

    (Courtesy of Sunset Hills Memorial Park Mortuary)

    Roy Rogers and Dale Evans are laid to rest at the Sunset Hills Memorial Park. It had been Dale's dream to build this Chapel at Sunset Hills to pay tribute to Roy.This Chapel will be a beautiful place to reflect on loved ones, and for all families to enjoy.

    To view the beautiful "Roy Rogers-DaleEvans Chapel" and learn more of Sunset Hills Memorial Park Mortuary, please best generic levitra overnight click on Sunset Hills logo.

    Anti-Right Click

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    ~ Buffalo Gal ~

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